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On Sunday 30 April, a new local group will start in Leuven and YOU can be part of it!

Nonviolent civil disobedience is one of the many ways to make governments, companies, banks,... make it clear that we don't believe their greenwashing and that things have to fundamentally change.

Would you:
- take part in actions, either legal or civil disobedience, but always non-violent?
- Help wake up 11 million Belgians to the fact that it really is 5 past 12 for this planet?
- Meanwhile, also stay connected to XR Belgium and XR internationally?
- be surrounded by a very caring, respectful group of people to support each other in our concerns?
- listen to each other, without judgement, share your feelings of powerlessness, anger, fear, sadness,... share and give a place? (principles of non-violent communication)
- think up (playful) actions, with the necessary dose of humour, and carry them out?

Then come to the brainstorm for the start-up of XR-Leuven !