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Critical Mass for Democracy - 04 dec 14h, Namur

Critical mass for democracy -
December 04 in Namur

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Let's converge our ecological and social struggles. Let's demand the establishment of a legally binding citizens' assembly at all levels of power!

The tensions, polarization and fracture of our societies are growing every day. The government is unable to respond in a coherent way to the major ecological and social challenges we face and are becoming increasingly distant from the citizens they are supposed to represent. Our model of representative democracy is sick and outdated; it is time to open new horizons.

We demand the establishment of citizens' assemblies that are representative of the population and transcend the partisan interests of the majority of political professionals. These assemblies will have the mandate to determine measures that can be legally binding independently of the agreement of the elected officials in place in order to orchestrate, we hope, a major ecological and societal transition, rapid and socially just. These citizens' assemblies will have to be followed up with adequate media coverage in order to be known by all citizens.

Following the success of the siege of the Walloon parliament on October 30th, during which we held our first popular assembly open to all, we reiterate our conviction and determination by gathering once again this Saturday, December 4th at 2:00 pm to make our voices heard by bike and wearing our yellow vests. Bringing together two inseparable symbols at the heart of our struggles for an ecological and social transition, the bike to symbolize the ecological aspects and the yellow vest for the issues of social justice. "End of the world, end of the month, same fight" is a fight that we believe will find answers starting from the base of our democracies, that is to say from the citizens.

We will repeat these events as many times as necessary, mobilizing a growing number of participants until the demand is heard and acted upon.

We invite participants to converge on bikes on December 04 at 2pm in front of La Casserole (Rue Moulin Lavigne 19B in Namur). If not, you are also welcome to participate in the action on foot with banners and anything to make a maximum of noise :)

Until then, we invite you to share this event as much as possible around you and, for those who use facebook, to share the event created by XR Namur by adding a personal comment in order to make it go up in the algorithm of the social network.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact [email protected]

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