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📢 We find ourselves in the middle of the 6th wave of mass extinction, and our planet is heating up at an alarming rate.

⏳ Extinction Rebellion Belgium is acting to put an end to this catastrophic ecological and social decline. The latest Time for Rage action is just one further step in our fight.

🌡 Are you feeling scared? Do you feel frustrated? powerless? Do you want to take action?

🤔 Come and learn more about us during an introductory session!

Are you curious about Extinction Rebellion? Are you interested in becoming a rebel yourself? Then don't miss our introductory meetings for newcomers! Come meet us and join us!

In this session we warmly welcome all people who want to know more about Extinction Rebellion in Belgium. We cover the history of XR, our principles and values, the way our movement is structured, and the ways we organize and keep in touch.

Are you feeling curious about XR? Join this session and find out!


  • What is XR?
  • Principles, values and demands
  • Actions
  • Local groups and structure
  • Communication platforms
  • Chat and questions (throughout the meeting)

We hope to see you very soon!

This session is held via Zoom conference call. Link: